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Bruce Brand

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious"....Albert Einstein

My art has always been a record of my inner journey. My early work was created out of anger, confusion and disillusionment during the 60’s, the draft and the war in Vietnam. During this time I discovered yoga and meditation and my inner work began. I traveled to India as a seeker studying with gurus and later sat in silence with Zen monks. My paintings have always been one form of my meditation.

My latest Infinity Series-Aerial Seascapes are reflections of the outer and the inner world. I want these images to reflect the mystery, beauty and wonder of both of these worlds. Ultimately, I hope that my art is a WAKE UP call – a reminder of the miracle of each moment.

Bruce Brand was born in the mid-west. He received a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin and taught art on the college level. Mr. Brand has traveled to India and Japan to study yoga, meditation and Indian Music. For the past twenty years he has lived and painted in New York City and has exhibited extensively. Mr. Brand currently has a studio in the village of New York City and a new studio in South Beach, Florida.