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Ekaterina Smirnova

Artist Statement:

Water – it can range from a reflective puddle to an opaque fog, a delicate water drop to a torrential downpour, a blinding snow to a patch of black ice. I want to harness that diversity and explore watercolors from many under-appreciated perspectives. I want to experiment with big paper, unconventional textures, and intense shadow and contrast. I want to prove that watercolor is as dynamic and versatile as water itself.


A Russian Brooklyn-based artist and former lawyer, started painting in a Siberian art school in 1991. Her style has been further developed at The Art Students League of NY, where Ekaterina has been a member since first moving to the United States in 2006. Her paintings and etchings are often exhibited at art shows around New York and the Northeast. In the past few years, Ekaterina has received various awards in juried shows including from The Salmagundi Club, Allied Artists of America, and The Northeast Watercolor Society. Her first solo show is scheduled for July 2011 in New York City, with another solo show scheduled for Summer 2012 at the Adirondack Art Center. Ekaterina recently wrote and illustrated her first book, An Illustrated Guide to Cockroaches (Mark Batty Publisher, May 2011).