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Daniela Ament


Born in Israel in 1945 to an art loving family. Grew up in Kibbutz Sarid. Lives and works now in Kiryat-Tivon, Israel.
Has always been creative in various forms of art. Daniela an autodidact artist, started to exhibit in 1995. Daniela has her own language in her sculptures and her own way to deliver her feelings and thoughts.

"The subjects of her works derive from her life experience. Driven by reflection and sensation, she chooses subjects she can easily identify with, such as women, children, and more abstract forms, which serve as vehicles for the expression of sensations and ideas."

The same is with Daniela's photos, where she again found her unique way of seeing the beauty and the dream like in tree trunks' lines and shades of colors.

Since the beginning Daniela exhibited in about 50 solo and group exhibitions in Israel, Paris, France, Vancouver, Canada, Florence and Ferrara, Italy, New York and Miami, U.S.A. She exhibits works in clay and bronze and photography.

In 2009 Daniela spent a month as a resident artist in Artcroft residency program in Kentucky U.S.A.

Daniela's works that are permanently placed in the public domains:

Shiba hospital in Tel–Aviv Israel the sculpture "Feeling"- (Love)
and Kibbutz Yahel in Israel - the sculpture "Dessert Dweller"

Featured in several books including ARTS- le livre des artistes Israeliens: LA GAZETTE DES ARTS. Paris, CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS OF TODAY 2008-2009 bibliotheca de artistes de las comounidades europeas, Creative Artists-100 years to Tel-aviv—Jaffa

Soon there will be 3 more books
1 by Art Platform N.Y
2 by Art Galaxie
3 by Art Management Berlin – Berliner 17

Artists at the jubilee- Michelangelo prize 2016-ROME ITALY
Prize Artists at the Castle 2016, Nerola, ITALY

Artist Statement

"the lines - the colors – the shapes are symbols of sensations, thoughts, senses and feelings all these are present here - as parts of me - as part of a riddle this is my way of conversing with myself and with the world around me. This is my way of trying to participate in the experiences on my way. This is my way."