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Soledad Lennon

Soledad, known as Sole, was born in 1985 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During her infancy she witnessed the arrival and boom of Japanese Manga to the Western world. This was the start of Sole’s love for Manga, that continues to this day.

As a devoted follower of Manga, she published her drawings in specialist magazines, at the tender age of 10 years old.

As she began to have tattoos on her body during her adolescence, she experienced a new awakening in her relationship with her art and its manifestations. Later, a budding career as a model, led Sole to connect her aesthetic values with her corporal image. Expression, expression and more expression: using her own body as the canvas.

Following 6 years as designer in a high tech company, Sole, aged 29, opted for a change in pace, far from the stress she bore every day at work, by spending more and more time dedicated to her art and publishing, once again, her artwork on social media sites.

At that point, a new stage was set once she decided that her future lay as an artist.

She began with small exhibitions and, as a result, her art soon developed into trends, within her environment.